Welcome to Megggsy's !

You are now visiting the site created by Megggsy.
Here you will find some useful links and read about whats going on in my world.


here is my dads farm's website                            www.glenedenpark.weebly.com        updated when they can...

This is a survivalist blog that i like                        http://woodpilereport.com/                updated every tuesday or thereabouts...

The daily web log for prepared individuals living in uncertain times            http://www.survivalblog.com/
The Precepts of Rawlesian Survivalist Philosophy            http://www.survivalblog.com/precepts.html

a slide presentation of how our lives should be            http://isil.org/resources/introduction.swf

Here is a scenrio of how easily the world, as we know it now, could shut down.... Will your family be able to cope?         


did u read this story?

this is how easy it could happen...

and then just look at how recently a couple of countries' peoples are taking their force back against their governments,

and the increase in natuural events... earthquakes, higher rainfall, higher and lower temperatures, landslides, tsunamis, its all happening more often..

they call it "climate change", yeah well the climate has always beeen changing and its accellerating a little bit that;s why we are noticing it more...

there are also so many things happening that dont make our news...

dad tells me about them every now and then, he reads alot of blog sites, for example- in america the fda(?) food authority has been going onto peoples properties and killing all the animals that they are growing naturally (fda is hand-in-hand with monsanto, the biggest chemical company) ..
they go in with like 20 men with machine guns and just kill everything.

Like... WTF!!!?

There are people who are making sure they are prepared for whatever catastrophe may come...

war, natural disaster, fuel shortage.. anything that stops the life blood of how we all work now...

If the oil were to stop.... if the electricity was stop...

no cars, no transport, limited food.

and what about if it were to not be able to be put back on for months, if at all....

how would we all live?

the governement would arm up and confiscate any "hoards" of food that they find- to be used for the greater good (themselves, so they can "run" the country...)

by the way, these "hoards" of food they find are people who have forseen this kind of thing happening and they have stocked up for themselves and their families...

well, that's just the start really,... tip of the iceberg...

another one to look at is www.woodpilereport.com

that'swhy i'd love to be getting a bit of land soon, wherever we end up settling, so we can build a bunker, or a few, and also for growing our own food.

so much healthier..

and cheaper..